Sunday, September 4, 2016

TS Hermine

Dee Dee has just about put her first real storm under her belt as Tropical Storm Hermine moves north. For Dylan it was no big whoop. He's been through numerous, including Hurricane Sandy.

The winds started in earnest about the time we went to bed Friday night. We were up several times during the night as the wind howled and the rain came and went. It was mainly winds with only intermittent down pours. The crew kept their watch in the master stateroom, lying down on the bed, asleep... But we're pretty sure they were ready to spring into action if we needed them.

Saturday was more of the same with the greatest injustice being that Dylan and Dee Dee had to miss their morning romp.

We watched as the fixed docks across the way went under water.

And the marina next door did the same. A few sails came loose at one point but were tended to by others.

We were snug on our floating dock as we watched the gangway rise above the level on land. It actually got much worse after dark but survived fine. Red Head proved her worth as we stayed safe and dry, listening to the wind and rain with only an occasional rock from an especially strong gust.

So how did the crew fare?

Pretty well, I'd say. They ain't afraid of no Hermine!


neptune79 said...

Where were you for this post during the storm?
We're in Oyster Bay, LI, NY. All calm until storm effects reached the east end of LI and winds and wave action rolled into the Sound. We rocked and rolled and swung on the anchor all of Monday night and a good part of Tuesday.

MV Red Head said...

We were tucked up in Zimmerman Marine in Deltaville, VA.